
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Pissing Contest

On the scale of company politics and inter-personal relationships, I'm not at the top of the heap. In fact on a good day, I probably fall into the middle.

My new team mate started last week and he is so lacking in both areas that he makes me look like Kissinger.

Today is his fourth day and we've already engaged in 3 pissing contests. I can't tell if:
a) He is just an asshole.
b) This is just new-guy insecurity manifesting itself as short-term aggressive posturing.
c) Once I establish my own alpha-male dominance he will recognize me as the big pack dog and back off.
d) Our battle for dominance will make my work life a living hell.

So I am tap-dancing around the issue and avoiding direct confrontation as it seems inappropriate to take the new guy to task before he has even been here one week. But my patience has limits. He is one-email-where-my-boss-is-copied-on-the-message away from a showdown.