
Friday, February 18, 2005

Dorian Grey

A long time ago an older friend of mine (who was then older than I am now) told me that at a certain point, your self image freezes and no matter how much older you get, in your head you still think of yourself as that person. I thought it was a strange point to make, as I stood there thinking that he was OLD (he was probably 37 at the time). Only now I am looking at my soon-to-expire passport photo and realizing that I don't really look like that person anymore. Nothing major, subtle changes, small lines when I smile, a thinness around my face. And I see that my older friend was right. In my head, I am still the girl in the passport photo.

My roomate is almost 10 years older than I am and he all but insists on dating women at least 5 years younger than I am. He seems oblivious to the fact that when you're 25 years old, 40 is ancient. I don't care how cool a car you drive, or what designer stores you shop in. So clear is his mental image that he is seemingly incapable of adjusting to the fact that no amount of situps will make it real.

But anyway....maybe I am just a little sad that next week I actually will look like my passport photo, and not just in my head.

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