
Thursday, March 02, 2006

How Not to Work on Your Resume

When looking for distractions to keep you away from making progress on your resume, having high-speed internet access is key. Yes the Internet is your friend, especially when that nagging resume is calling for you. A gym membership can also be key. In addition to lengthy workouts, travel to and from the gym can be used for small errands that might otherwise be forgotten. However when its time to work on the resume, any potential distraction is a blessing and small errands are not so small when you are going after 8-10 of them per trip. And lets not forget the phone. Ah the phone is a wonder device that can be used to delay resume work for hours while chatting away with other unemployed friends who are, like you, glad for the distraction.

Yes avoiding the resume can be a challenge but if you are truly committed, you too can keep from working on yours.

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