A bit calmer now...
We're moving to VT. The timing of this move is a bit sketchy. The Frenchman needs to be there by September 1 which really means he needs to move in mid August which implies we have an apartment with a lease that begins August 1. Although three months seems like a long way away, to me it feels threateningly close.
I would like to revel in the beauty of Vermont, the prospect of crisp falls with color dipped trees, white Christmas, summers on the lake, and new friends. Only I'm stuck on one issue which is slightly less romantic.
After many sleepless hours, the basic issue is this - I absolutely need to convince the powers that be to allow me to keep my job and work remotely. Period. If this requires selling my soul, selling my firstborn into white slavery, or removal of a limb, so be it.
So now I have three months to figure out how to make this convincing argument. Ideally in a way that doesn't involve begging, crying, or sexual favors.
Fear of abject poverty is very motivating.
However I am getting excited. Vermont is lovely. Its driving distance to many close friends and family. I haven't lived anywhere that had "fall" for years. I like moose. Maybe the most strange/funny/cool part is the whole "we" concept that is now Vermont. We will move. We will buy a house. We will get married and start a family. All of my other moves were just "me."
And already I can say with some certainty that "we" is much more fun.
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