Found a house. Amidst the fake wood panneling and racoon droppings that seem the norm within our price range, we stumbled upon a little yellow 2-story house surrounded by trees and flowering perennials. Even better, it was void of shag carpeting, cat pee, and wouldn't need work the second we stepped into the building. Frankly - it was delightful.
And we were delighted to make an offer. That day. For a bit over asking. And the little old lady who is selling it was delighted with us. The apple-cheeked young couple who wanted to raise a family in her house. And thus we were told "This is a done deal." A direct quote from the listing agent.
Well while the little old lady waited for her children to read through the contract, another offer came through. Less money but they offered to buy the house without an inspection. And this was apparently more appealing than the apple-cheeked young couple who offered more money. So we offered even more money. And the little old lady got yet another offer - less money (still) but no inspection AND cash.
And thus we were out. Because apparently avoiding an inspection was worth more to her than money and the future prospect of little baby feet running about on her lovingly cared for wood floors.
The whole thing stinks although neither of us can figure out what the backstory is. But we feel strongly that there is one. That the whole thing was doomed from the beginning.
And of course there is the dissapointing process of going back to the drawingboard to look through the houses built on swamp land or filled with small rooms covered in thick aqua paint to figure out which is the least disagreable and thus worth a flight to go look at. And sadly as of now, the answer is a resounding, "none."
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