3 Weeks till N-Day. N = Notice. As in at work. That I will be leaving.The downside to giving notice is that politically it is very castrating - jerkboy will be empowered to push me out of the way. Frustrating but unavoidable. The upside is that my departure won't be a secret anymore.
And I will get to propose my work-remote plan. Which will either be accepted or rejected. But at least my future job prospects won't be the big gray blob of unknown that it is right now.
So lets say my work-remote plan doesn't fly. Then what?
Option #1
Find a new job. Sure I don't see many or any prospects in VT. And sure I don't really love what I do anyway. But the extra cash would really come in handy for Frenchie and I. Also work tends to be the primary place one makes new friends and being new to town and friendless could be a bit of a bummer.
Option #2
Get knocked up and join the Stay At Home Mom bus. Which is both appealing and scary. I like the idea of being a good Mom and raising my own children. Of not rushing my kids off to daycare so I can make some BS work meeting. Of not having co-workers look at me askew as I leave at 4:00 each day to shuttle kids around. On the other hand, can I really stay home alone every day with an infant and not go totally bonkers?
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