So many strange things have happened in the past few weeks I'm at a loss as to where to begin.
Good Strange
My friends threw me a surprise wedding shower 2 weeks ago! I suppose this may not strike some as qualifying as particularly bizarre, but I had never imagined myself as the girl with the phallic deeliepoppers drinking Champaign while my friends extolled the virtues of a particular brand of lubricant. The party started with the obligated shower activities like pin the whazzits on the thatzit but quickly degenerated into the most solidly enjoyable drunken allnighter that I've enjoyed in years.
Around 6:00 am we had the bright idea to make some herbal tea trusting that a cup or two of Chinese flowers would be more than adequate to make up for the past 8 hours of excess. Sadly this wasn't the case but in hindsight, you have to applaud the logic.
Bad Strange
The Ex of my Ex who I have never met sent me an email this week. They started dating soon after the end of our long and mutually excruciating breakup. Unfortunately she was the rebound girl who wanted to be the girlfriend. I don't know the specifics but apparently their 2 year on/off relationship was defined by hopeful enthusiasm on her part matched by neglectful apathy on his. Needless to say this has left her feeling a bit down about the whole experience.
Her letter however, was to apologize for the fact that she now believes my Ex and I were still together at the time they started dating. However I'm fairly sure this is not the case. What's worse is that I'm fairly certain that the reason she believes this is that in actuality, he and I flirted with getting back together while THEY were dating. We didn't. We were both too bruised by the angst and heartache of the breakup. But given her email, I'm fairly certain she would be less than delighted to know that he and I were still circling about each other while they were dating.
Also,if he HAD cheated (which I can't entirely rule out), it would have been over 2 years ago yet for some reason she now felt the need to unburden and make amends. Why now? Maybe it is genuine guilt. Although I suspect, as they broke up 6 months ago and apparently she is still mourning the loss, it has more to do with her desire to still feel connected to him. And that perhaps being connected to me would help on that front. Who knows.
I haven't written back yet but I will. When I figure out what to say.
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