Well I've found numerous creative outlets to not work on my resume. But none have worked so well as my latest - pregnancy. Yes pregnancy makes it very difficult, nay impossible to work on one's resume.
Well its true. Alexis got knocked up :) Actually we're shocked and delighted. Its totally unexpected and unplanned. You know that speech your Mom gave you about how it only takes ONE TIME? Well apparently she wasn't kidding.
So I just passed the 3 month mark and am mostly recovered from the first trimester. For starters, Morning Sickness should just be called All-Day Sickness. And it doesn't always involve vomiting, sometimes it means just feeling nauseous and dizzy all the the time. Then there is the gas, heartburn, and insomnia. How joyous.
Now I'm less focused on my resume and more focused on finding a lovely gown to squeeze my ever-thickening middle into. Most people get to be pregnant in the privacy of their own homes. I however have a pending wedding to look fabulous for and thus am busy ordering empire waisted dresses over the internet in the vain hopes of finding one that will not make me look like a gym bag. Unfortunately VT shopping is limited to Sears and the occasional Gap so any gown procural will entail shipping costs.
Unfortunately pregnancy has also put the cork in my career plan bottle, at least for a while. Neither the Frenchie nor I am that comfortable with daycare at a super young age. Plus VT salaries are so low that daycare would probably eat most of my takehome anyway. Its hard to imagine raising a latchkey kid for a net annual gain of $500. I'm also uncomfortable taking a job knowing that I plan to quit in 6 months. So although we have months before any major new family members arrive, I'm home and bored. B-O-R-E-D.
Now that tasks annoying resume-avoidal tasks are off my plate I will have to find something else engaging to do. That requires only 6 months and no heavy lifting. Any ideas?
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