
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Shiny Stuff

I'm an engaged person. Wow...I I feel like I set the women's equality movement back 1,000 years every time I say this but....I love the whole ring thing. First there is the idea that somebody had to make a huge sacrifice to give you this expensive gift. Then there is the pleasure of simply having a lovely new piece of jewelry. And then there is the (ghads I can't believe I'm admitting to this) the whole public symbol part. Its cool and I wear my new ring like a merit badge. I've been picked for the varsity team. I'm going to the show. I'm worthy.

Sad but true. Tisk tisk....

Still I hope we get married soon. If for no other reason than I feel like a total dorkus saying, "My fiance." I would stick with the "boyfriend" thing but Frenchie corrects me every time I do. He's kind of kidding, but kind of not. I feel like Elaine in Seinfield every time I say it. Yike.

When you get engaged, everybody in the known universe immediately asks you, "When is the date?" I feel like this is a test of your seriousness. No date = no real commitment. Sadly in our case no date = no money. Which is only partly true as we have our hands full with house shopping, moving, etc. But I was looking at one of those wedding magazines that talks about how much to spend on this and that. It was vaguely funny. Yeah it would be nice to have some quality photos to keep for years to come. But if some photographer wants me to spend $3,000 on photos he'll have to grab it out of my cold dead hand. And don't get me started on the rest of it (invitations, party favors, etc.). Can somebody explain to me why I need to spend $500 on a wedding cake? Is there gold in it?

But back to the topic. Frenchie is a sweetie and he has good taste. I love my ring. And I love him.

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