
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Another Option

What if I just move to VT with Frenchie, skip the whole career path, get knocked up and do the housewife thing. Personally I think I would love it.

My fear is that I know dropping out of the workforce has the same effect of buying a new car - your resale value drops the minute you drive off the lot. And when the day comes to re-enter the rat race, it can be a real uphill climb. a housewife?


WDKY said...

Hey, thank you for the link. I've returned the favour, and... well, interesting blog. I'll read it properly at a more humane hour!

Alexis said...

Wow - hey everybody, did you see this? Somebody actually posted on my blog. What an exciting day!


WDKY said...

You're very welcome :-)

(Sorry not to have been a bit more active with my comments though... things are very busy at the moment.)

Alexis said...

Wow TWO posts. Now I'll actually have to put some effort into writing about interesting things (instead of general work bitching).

Thanks for the advice on the baby plan. It still scares me a bit - how do I go from "director" to "mom"? But the idea of little Frenchies running around is pretty appealing :)