
Friday, October 21, 2005

Door # 3

A friend was bitching at work today. Only today was different. Today the bitching bothered me. Because it was combined with apathy. And it got me thinking.

I think you have a few choices. Only they are discrete, you have to pick one.

#1 Bitch about work. Try to make change.
#2 Accept work for what it is and shuttupaboutit.

Bitching with no interest, thoughts, or initiative to help make it better is kind of a waste of everybody's time. I guess there might be times when you're forced to accept that nothing will change and still need to vent. But I think I was responding badly to the general "not my problem" apathy.

Personally I'm going for door #3 - Moving on. I've bitched at work. I've tried to make changes. And in my fantasy I think I've made a few. But I'm looking forward to moving on. The plan is to come clean on November 7th....

1 comment:

WDKY said...

Well, I can identify with this, for sure.

Good decision.