
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Merry Christmas from Essex Junction

Where the hell is Essex Junction? Admittedly I didn't know until recently but its a small town near a slighly larger yet still small town called Burlington here in VT. Its great to be here. And by great I mean disconcerting. And by disconcerting I mean absolutely strange.

Don't get me wrong - I've been waiting for months to get to VT. Only now that I'm here I feel strangely disconnected. I don't know anybody. I can't remember how to get to the grocery store. There is snow on the ground but its 50 degrees out. Just a strange turn of events from the girl who until last week was a high-tech employee in CA.

I've been here 5 days and have watched an unforgiveable amount of TV. Course in addition to being jobless and friendless, I'm actually carless. Presumably prefering the more temperate climate my car has decided to stay in CA. Well not exactly true but it has yet to be picked up by the shipping company so my only mode of transportation is feet.

And yes, the REAL reason I'm here is of course my beloved fiance Frenchie. He is a doll and is doing his best to entertain. But I think I still need a little time to adjust through the strange feeling of not belonging here...


WDKY said...

Good luck. It sounds like an adventure.

Anonymous said...

For some non-TV entertainment, I'll call and tell you stories of India while you look at my photos in Flickr. :-)

Alexis said...

Hey Dana,

I LOVE your photos of India and Thailand! They've provided almost as much entertainment as Celebrity Poker ;)