
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What the Man Says....

Well my boss initially seemed quite keen on finding a way to keep me on board. Then this morning the VP of Marketing came by to suggest a resource for people navigating career changes. This was predicated on the belief that I would need to change careers to find a position in VT as presumably I will need a new job. This seems to be a strong indication that decisions at the executive suite aren't going as I might have hoped.

C'est la vies.

On a completely different note, I had a horrendous run in with a sort-of friend this weekend. The sort-of friend is someody that I was really good friends with when we first met but that that initial pop of friendship has waned over the years into a lingering relationship that exists primarily as a nod to the fact that she was very supportive when I went through a painful breakup 2 years ago. It is a strange phenomenon that has kept us together this long. A relationship driven primarily by guilt and a sense of obligation.

She was the friend that was nutty but you sort-of overlooked the nuttiness of this sort-of friend trying to chalk it up to being quirky instead of raw insanity. Well she unleashed her raw insanity on me Friday night and it was U-G-L-Y. It was one of those scenes I wouldn't have believed could actually happen outside of the Jerry Springer studio. Something so out of hand that I can't find the words to describe it other than to say I hope to never witness anything like it ever again.

On the upside, I won't have to maintain the sort-of friendship any longer. Which after all this time, comes as more of a relief than I would have expected.

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